Ziaul Haque joins Creative Young Entrepreneurs (CYE) as a Mentor

Dhaka Times Desk
  প্রকাশিত : ০১ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪, ২২:৪৩| আপডেট : ০২ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪, ১৯:০১
অ- অ+

Md Ziaul Haque Bhuiyan, Chief of Staff at ShopUp, Bangladesh's leading startup, has been invited to serve as a mentor for the prestigious JCI Creative Young Entrepreneur (CYE) Acceleration Program. Organized by Junior Chamber International (JCI), the CYE program seeks to empower and inspire young entrepreneurs by recognizing their innovative ventures and offering mentorship to help them scale and succeed.

Beyond his pivotal role at ShopUp, Mr. Ziaul has co-founded Chandpur Model Hospital and Oleyn.ai, showcasing his entrepreneurial acumen. He is also a trusted mentor and advisor to various Bangladeshi startups, such as Run Leather and Doctor Koi.

Currently, he leads as the President of the IUT Alumni Association, and as a former President of JCI Bangladesh, he played an instrumental role in organizing groundbreaking initiatives, including the Smart Bangladesh Summit and the Creative Young Entrepreneurs Award Bangladesh 2023, which highlighted cutting-edge technologies and supported budding entrepreneurs with seed funding.

Mr. Ziaul's inclusion as a mentor for the CYE Acceleration Program reflects his unwavering dedication to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship on a global scale. His extensive expertise in business development and leadership positions him as a key figure to guide and inspire emerging entrepreneurs participating in the program.

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