MASTUL Foundation supports Gaza Palestinian with food aid

Dhaka Times Desk
| আপডেট : ০৩ এপ্রিল ২০২৪, ১৯:৩৫ | প্রকাশিত : ০৩ এপ্রিল ২০২৪, ১২:০৭

On the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, the Bangladeshi charitable organization MASTUL Foundation stands by the Palestinians with food assistance at the time of food crisis in Gaza .

A UN assessment states that over 5 million individuals living in the besieged Palestinian region of Gaza are suffering from serious food shortages and are in danger of starvation. Acute malnutrition in children has also risen to a dangerous level, surpassing 50% according to the research. As a result, the Bangladeshi charity organization MASTUL Foundation extended its hand with humanitarian assistance from Bangladesh with the help of Bangladeshi people and expatriates.The joint initiative of MASTUL Foundation and Al Zakat Sadaqah Foundation is delivering food, water and other necessary aid to the people of Gaza in Palestine throughout the month of Ramadan.

The work of delivering food aid to Palestine in Gaza is being done through the Egyptian NGO organization Egyptian Food Bank, Egyptian Youth Council and My Fund Action. Also, some Bangladeshi students of the famous Al-Azhar University are constantly cooperating in this program as volunteers.

MASTUL Foundation representative in Egypt Hafizul Islam said that the people of Gaza have been living in inhumane conditions for a long time. We hope our relief assistance will bring some relief to them during this difficult time.”

A woman who came to collect food said to the volunteers, thank you for bringing us food. I was very worried about what to feed my children! Now it seems that they will sleep peacefully for today.

The Founder and Executive Director of MASTUL Foundation Kazi Reaz Rahman said in his speech, we Bangladeshis have been wanting to extend support for these helpless people for a long time. Now we have the opportunity to work directly for these people. Please pray that we can continue this program for the people of Gaza and keep the honor of Bangladesh intact on foreign soil.

MASTUL Foundation has promised to stand by the people of Gaza in the future regarding the humanitarian situation in Gaza in Palestine. The projects planned to improve the situation in Gaza include provision of adequate medical logistics in medical care, provision of education for orphans, empowerment of widows, latrines, water facilities, health protection services, construction of latrines, assistance in construction of temporary housing for Palestinian refugees and so on.

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