Faisal Ahmed becomes new International Affairs Secretary of North BCL unit

Staff Reporter, Dhaka Times
  প্রকাশিত : ১৩ মে ২০২৪, ২৩:৩৩
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Faisal Ahmed Chowdhury has been selected as the international affairs secretary of the BCL Dhaka Metropolitan North unit.

President Riaz Mahmud and General Secretary Sagar Ahmed Shamim of North Chhatra League unit announced the full committee in a signed press release on Saturday (May 4).

Central Chhatra League president Saddam Hossain and general secretary Sheikh Wali Asif Inan approved the committee.

Earlier, Faisal Ahmed was the Deputy Publicity Secretary, No. 1 Executive Member of Dhaka Metropolitan North Chhatra League. He is currently studying in LLM at University of Greenwich, UK.


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